
"Before loving any one else, it is crucial that you must love yourself first."

 I cannot tell you just how many times I have been told this and all I remember thinking in response was 'How the bloody hell am I supposed to manage that, when I'm so full of negativity?'
But the truth is, the first time I had heard it, I was almost gobsmacked! Never in my entire child hood, had I been taught or told to love myself.
How can some thing so simple and so crucial, be easily avoided and not questioned?

I hadn't always been so negative about myself - I began pointing out my flaws when I arrived in High School and things then...just got that bit 'too' competitive; It isn't handy being surrounded by a number of teens, whom will most likely toss you into the abyss because you don't have your hair a specific way, but if is a regular occurrence, the humans natural reflex is to blame ones self. 

A lot of people desire acceptance because it offers comfort, but it is extraordinary what teens may do in act to get it. 
I'm not talking about crazy stunts or silly pranks which will end up getting you excluded permanently,  but in fact, I'm meaning changing everything about themselves: their passions, their attitude, their style and their personality.

Although a lot of people tend to think that teens need to endure the procedure, not many of them think of the negative impact it will most likely have on them. Growing up you were only one way: careless, happy and most likely free, but to have that almost butchered because you suddenly have to care about how you look when you haven't before, builds massive insecurities.

'Why don't you like the way you are?'
'Because I'm constantly being told otherwise.' 
With time and lots of patience, I have tried to defy the correct meaning of what this may mean and whether or not I'm correct or wrong, I feel slightly liberated by the conclusion I've reached. That in mind, I don't intend on fulfilling the act every day because as a human, it is sometimes difficult to be pleased with yourself.
On the other hand, I find loving yourself vital because you carry your own world; you direct your hands, you use your body, you toy with your hair and you eat your own food. Not only should you love yourself physically, you should adore yourself mentally also; loving yourself doesn't mean just giving your body the correct food or doing the correct amount of exercise, it's exploring yourself mentally and it is accepting the differences your personality has to others.

Loving yourself is a key factor in happiness. 
It is learning your strengths, your weaknesses, your pet hates and your passions.
It is being content with your everything and not having any one alter it or even tamper with it.

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