She returns.

Hello you wonderful internet people!
What is this? 
A post?
 From yours truly?

Believe me when I say this, I'm just as shocked as you are; I've currently been trapped in a whirlwind called my mind and I won't lie to you, it's been truly difficult to crawl out off.
I initially thought it would be easier just getting myself straight back into posting as an idea of mine has been lingering around for too long, but then I figured that with my talkative brain, the chances are I will avoid what I'm supposed to be talking about and discuss what ever falls out of my mouth!
With that being noted, I found it was much easier to just let my fingers type what ever they please and if none of it makes sense, then so be it! It is much more beneficial if we all empty the mind of all the crap that some how gets stuffed in there!

Just to be clear, I will of course be honest... that's all I've ever been and what follows is: I've been trying to come back to blogging since I very much...momentarily departed.
I won't deny that I have spent quite a great deal of time just staring at the little pencil that stands in the left hand corner of my window; it's becoming painful in a way because I'm aware of exactly what I want to to write but for some bizarre and frustrating reason, I couldn't get my fingers to type what I initially wanted.

I'm still sort of in the phase where I don't feel as if I'm typing correctly, nor do I know if I'm making any sense; I have been previously ill and so stressed that a lot of the time my brain just becomes covered with fog and I haven't been able to take a fan to the situation and clean of the dust so to speak!

I wouldn't really refer to it as an outer body experience but I can say it is exceptionally close and I do feel at loss with some of my limbs; it isn't a strange sensation and I'm sure quite a lot of people will know how it feels when there body suddenly turns on auto pilot and it's only when a week or two passes that you suddenly realise that you haven't been paying much attention at all.

Everything has just sort of been knocked off kilter for me and it's beginning to get so frustrating that I feel my mental health sinking so to speak and along with that, I can't keep my mind state balanced either, so I am very easily fighting a loosing battle.

It's always frustrating when you want to fix but you physically don't know how to.
Here is to those people who wander but are not lost.


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