Hair irritation.

Basically for as long as I can remember, I have had painfully thick hair from birth and you know what? I hate it.
I know for certain many women will relate to this and many people will also think, 'it's normal for any person to wish they could have other peoples: hair, eyes, body etc', but no honestly, I despise my hair.
Even after twenty years of living with it I still find myself getting incredibly irritated by it's presence.
I know some of you will think 'why don't you just have it thinned or layered?' But I can tell you with confidence I have and due to it's achingly fast growing power, it last's about two weeks before it evolves into it's usual thick mess.
I struggle many times when it comes to styling with it because if I don't have a good hour or two, the whole procedure becomes entirely pointless. 

From a very young age, I have had very very long hair and up till about a year and a half ago, I chopped it all off. No I mean all of it off. And it was bloody wonderful. 
I literally felt as if a brick or two had been taken from my hair (yes that is how thick my hair is) and I had never felt so wonderful. But after about 4-5 months, I found it back at short-medium length.

For a year now, I haven't cut my hair, mainly because I was planning to grow it for charity. How ever now, I have had a great number of people tell me I shouldn't do so.

I've had this for a very long time: a great number of people telling me how I should have my hair, (even my own hair dresser) and to be honest, it's been rather frustrating

Lately (last week to be exact) I decided to spontaneously ombre my hair. Now the deed has been done and you know what? My hair doesn't even look damaged. It hasn't been thinned, it hasn't weakened. There has been no change within what so ever and it astonishes me - Does my hair retain some form of power? I am now for ever massively convinced.

R x

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