Worry - A human emotion which is fine to have.

These past couple of weeks have been a little unsettling for my bones and I mean very unsettling. I'm falling back into my old ways, which for me as well as people around me, is rather dangerous almost.
Now I know what you maybe wondering: Worry? Dangerous? and the answer to that is, yes. Usually for me and hopefully many others, when ever any emotion is triggered, a boat load of other things wonder into my brain and begin to completely erode it. 

I'm not going to type out my own little paragraph of horrible situations because I know for one it won't help. But I feel lately, acknowledging the emotion instead of trying to prove that's it incorrect or ignore it, seem's to be doing better lately.

For me when worry over whelms me, I tend to lack in motivation and then suddenly, the week has passed and all I've done is watched maybe 2 seasons of my favourite TV show and ate my weight in crisps.

We use and ponder so much with our time, that by the end of the week our days have only been filled with anxiety and all in all, we've made our situation worse.

Now in retrospect, I will most likely think my older actions were rather stupid and foolish but were they really? Isn't every situation that any human does overly criticised especially when one's mood is low?
It's a human reflex to think so low of one's self when things aren't predictable or they don't go somebodies way.
And sadly for me, that's just how a lot of things go lately. One emotion pours into my scales, weighs one to the ground and throws me out of the loop entirely.

My emotion capacity has not been great for an excessively long time but one of my top mental notes to do this year is to accept that each emotion is allowed to be felt. Most humans tend to fear emotion itself because they find it isn't acceptable to have it but every one should know that they have every right to feel everything.

If you feel it, feel it and accept it. Show it, do not deny it.

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