Chapter 27.

Every now and again, I buy little bits and pieces which gradually build my little tower of goodies and this past week I added the film Chapter 27 to my list.

Now for those who don't know, Chapter 27 is a biographical film depicting the death of John Lennon by Mark Chapman. It was said to be an exploration of Mark Chapman's psyche. 
For a long a time I have been interested in The Beatles and all their talent, how ever I have also been curious to know what lead to John Lennon's death.

For a long period of time, the only information I have noted is that the book Catcher In The Rye took part in the murder. 
How ever last Friday evening, I couldn't bare to keep the wrapper on the DVD case; sitting down with my Mum and a cheeky cider in my hand, we popped it on.

My overall reaction to the film is very difficult to pin down mainly because of the emotions it struck within me. The film was far from terrible, I can assure any one of that. What was rather disturbing yet mind-blowing was how intense and deep the film producers made the piece to be.

I have watched many, many horrors in my time but none have made me feel quite like Chapter 27 did. In certain parts of the film, I felt very uncomfortable with how Jared Leto portrayed Mark Chapman, very uncomfortable.

It was a very mesmerising,hypnotising, manipulative, wonderful, mind consuming, powerful work of art. 
For some I can almost guarantee that it would be horrific to watch and then for some, it would be incredibly interesting and then others entirely normal.

One thing I could relate Mark Chapman too was another character 'The Joker' who's performance was done by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. Now the reason for this is because both actors have a very luring and dense quality which seeped slowly into the actors themselves, almost convincing you that you were experiencing the moment when you're watching it.

I should advise that if you're particularly weak minded, it would be best to pass on this film.

R x

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