Happy March.

Well, another month has surely passed us by and I think I may have mentioned this in last months post, (and possibly the one before it too!) but didn't it go fast?
I still haven't gotten to grips with how fast days seem to be slipping past me; I blink and what do you know Spring is here and rain appears more then it ever has before. (which for England isn't much of a surprise.)

I like taking the time to go over my previous month, even though lingering on the past isn't the healthiest but I feel in a way, it is good to look over, accept the actions and create more. 

I wouldn't say that February was my best month but I know that it can certainly be worse. I find this past month, my motivation has lacked but I think that occurred because I wrote to such an extent in January that my head physically couldn't take any more, without a break.

This March it may be appropriate for me to consider my limits and acknowledge that repetition and drive, may some times be damaging. My lack of personal care has slipped quite significantly and I can feel the difference and the toll it has taken on me.

It's time to take my mental health back into consideration and give it some love and affection, as I feel it has been a little too abused for my liking.

Here's to a March where I slowly develop my bodies strengths, as well as battling my weaknesses.

Stay well. x

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