Looking For Alaska - By John Green.

I'll be incredibly honest and say that for a long period of time, I have heard a large bubble of praise regarding the wonderful John Green. For months now, I've happily sat and watched his Youtube videos, along with his brother Hank. Also not so long ago, I gave John a cheeky follow on twitter.

On the other hand, I haven't read any of his books until yesterday. For a number of years I have heard constant feedback regarding 'The Fault In Our Star's and for a small amount of time, I had considering reading it, that was until I read a small blurb and then instantly placed it out of my reach. 

As for Looking For Alaska, I was a little more comforted so began to read it this past Monday night.

A very brief blurb of this book, goes as follows:
Miles Halter (The Opening Protagonist) leaves his home in Florida to attend Culver Creek Preparatory High School in Alabama for his junior year.He uses Francois Rabelais’s last words—"I go to seek a Great Perhaps"—as his argument for choosing boarding school at such a late age. Miles is fond of reading biographies, and particularly of memorizing the subjects' last words.

It is simple as that - for this story I find it very basic and simple yet contains a great inner depth meaning.
When looking further into the book, I found out that the book was based on an accident that occurred in his High School and many of the things you read within the story, are found from John Green's childhood.

I wouldn't say personally the book is particularly large, how ever I was rather thankful as if I had a longer period of time to form empathy for the characters, I certainly wouldn't have enjoyed the ending to this book. (I won't insert the ending just incase some of you intend on reading it.)

How ever I would definitely recommend putting this on your list of things to read.
Perspective will certainly change.

R x

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