The Death Cure - The Maze Runner Series By James Dashner.

You know how in certain situations where you think 'things can't get worse, the only way is up, right?' Well, I can truthfully tell you that this quote is exactly how to describe the third and final piece to The Maze Runner series.
Not because it does get better, but the fact ironically everything gets much worse and it's almost like you've been physically punched in the face.

In the last review (The Scorch Trials), I expressed that when searching for the titles of the second and third book, that I stumbled upon two massive spoilers? Well, the first spoiler contained information that my favourite character 'Newt' died. 

For me I felt that the ante and adventure couldn't be more physically draining or difficult to handle in the book, but of course it does when a former glader 'Gally' decides to show up in the third book.

It is as if I should have thought of everything that could possibly go wrong and expect it to because in a sense, it did. This too, like The Scorch Trials was full of: cliffhangers, adventure, heart break and emotions. 

Not to mention that the anger is not as shielded in this book. Each character slowly but very firmly opens their emotions and paints it across each wall they find. 
With each chapter, more background information and secrets are ejected from individual characters and personally, it causes me to wail.

In the third book, you're able to evaluate the situation that each human being has been put through and you understand just how far the company WICKED have gone to, to attempt to preserve the rest of the human race. By James Dashner doing this, you wish for nothing more then every one to escape and for WICKED to reach it's end but sadly,  only a page or two before the end, Teresa is sadly killed (AKA the other large spoiler which I saw).

Overall, the book series is very moving and I can almost guarantee that your perspective on many things will change ( along with the a nice big chunk of your heart which has fallen from inside you during the process).

I would very much recommend this series to any one, whether it be young or old, how ever I wouldn't quite offer it to those who are a little weak hearted because to be honest, it is a very brutal and honest series. 

R x

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