
I'm not one for deeming myself completely stable because the truth is, I'm largely unpredictable. It is known by now that I fling myself forwards, to inevitably be chucked back and if any one too suffers the same as I, you will find this motion rather exhausting. 

I'm currently in what is referred to as an emotional predicament; I find it completely normal that as a human, we have a subconscious reflex that tells us if we are to fall, it is vastly negative and many people concur with this reason but I find it aggravating that I personally find myself back there repetitively.

I've been told many a time that 'You're human, you're bound to fall' but surely when hearing it, over and over and over again, you're to think 'God, give me a break, really?'

As I'm re-reading what I've typed above, I'm getting a little fed up with my own posts on this blog, as I realise I've mentioned this situation rather a lot and I'm certain for on-lookers, you'll be thinking 'What the bloody hell is she on about?' Well, the truth is, it can be what ever you interpret it to be; what ever I type doesn't necessarily have to make sense but if you have some form of understanding within the words I use, then I am happy.

The truth is some days I find I just simply want to write and whether it be about nothing, something or multiple things, I just simply want to write it down. I find in life, people too often then not try to make sense of things when we don't need to.

'I really want to do this'
You shouldn't need a reason, just do it.

I personally am trying to abide by this, of course in some situations I will be applying precautions, but in times where thinking isn't really necessary, I shall go headfirst.

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