
(Of a person not identified by a name)

 As I type these following sentences, I can't help but think about how to begin what I'm about to say, I don't want to elaborate the adjective or necessarily inform people of the reason to why I'm typing all this out, but I do feel I need to remind people to think and act, whilst also being cautious of voicing their own judgement without any precautions.

 In the olden days, people didn't always fall under the barrier of 'anonymitty' because hiding your identification wasn't always allowed, however with the development of technology, we now have the capability of under going specific tasks without any one being aware of it.

With such things now available to use, it has almost greatened the consequences for one when on the internet, especially when on specific media platforms - it has resulted in many people being exceedingly cautious, especially when ones account can be hacked or perhaps watched without been known. 

I don't want to only highlight the negativity anonymity can have because in many situations, people are almost comforted by the choice of it being there; the option of it being there provides a safe and secure blanket for some, how ever this advantage has been manipulated and abused.

The power of our technology has now guaranteed ultimate safety for any one whom wishes to attack or viscously manipulate those who they may dislike and remain anonymous whilst doing so. Although we too have the technology to find those who follow through with this reaction despite it being incredibly difficult to, it does not please me at all that we as a human race have allowed such things to happen.

Not only that but in our society today, we have the capability to educate those and teach them not to abuse such things and do a great deal and by that, I mean help those not commit  actions which are both illegal and damn right indecent.

One of the largest problems on the internet today is cyber bullying; now in no way do I feel it is necessary of me to elaborate the definition of those words because I'm certain by how largely talked this subject is, people will be aware of it's meaning.
The reason to why I feel the need to discuss this topic is mainly because people aren't aware of the outcome of any form of bullying.
You see a victim, you hurt them, you attempt to apologise, that's the end.
But, is it?

Most bullying now-er days takes charge on the internet and that is due to the power of anonymity; the idea that they can't be figured out or found, is simply comforting and makes for a 'valid' reason to follow on through with the action.

I cannot begin to fathom the amount of times I've been on a certain media website and seen an individual be anonymously hurt and then seen that there was no action taken against it. But who on earth is to blame for this?
Is it the creator who developed the chance of anonymity?
Is it perhaps the individuals friends who encouraged them to accept it would be ok?
Is it insecurities?
Is it the lack of understanding and education on the following subject?
Or is it the parents for not teaching said child/adult that the following isn't acceptable?

It is not an argument to continue with, how ever yet it is a subject that needs to be questioned and it is a situation that needs to be dealt with.
What many are not aware of is that when you're often threatened online by a stranger, it is not their voice or some one else's we hear when reading it, it is our own.

This is a psychologically damaging procedure to endure and I wish people would educate others differently when coming onto the subject; simply saying no and that it is wrong is sadly not enough to convince the mind these days.

One method I have always abided by when discussing any difficult situation is changing your perspective; if you have the nerve to abuse some one by commenting on their physical appearance, tell yourself, how would I react to this?

If you told some one to kill themselves?
How would you react to it?

If you blackmailed a person, again,
How would you react to it?

No one thinks about the outcome, nobody thinks about the physical stress and pain the body has to deal with when being informed such information and again, I inform you that each time a person is anonymously abused, our own voice rings around our head, not yours.

Question every word you say especially when egg shells are shattered underneath your feet and if you don't want to pull the trigger, then I ask you not to point the gun.

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