Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks.

Surely, for any one whom knows me well, will know that I’m a sucker for Nicholas Sparks. If not, then now, you may know.
To me, he is hands down one of the most breath taking writers and his description makes me weak at the knees.
Something else, which will most likely surprise you (Or maybe it won’t.) Is that I am in no way a fan of romance novels. Yet however, if you know of Nicholas Sparks and have read a good deal of his books, you will be aware that the majority of his books contain some form of romance.

I haven’t always been the pickiest when it came to novels, however if some one informs me that ‘love’ is a key point throughout the book, the chances are, I will most likely not read it.
I have never been the biggest fan of love as a whole, but one thing I can’t seem to explain enough is that although most novels are created with imagination, I do not find it acceptable that love falls into unrealistic expectations, as well forming an emotion where it is so far fetched, I want to violently throw my book across the room.

The most disgusting blow I had ever received was through reading the Twilight series By Stephanie Meyer and I cannot fathom how such rubbish, has had such an impact on the public, not to mention how utterly abysmal the books were, as well as how demeaning Bella Stewart was as a character.

However I can say with 100% conviction that Nicholas Sparks has had the capability of regaining my faith; despite the plot being held to the imagination, Nicholas Sparks makes sure to remember that love takes progress, as well as patience and time.  Not to mention, he acknowledges that love is an emotion, which is formed, not a characteristic or quality, which you have.


Now I have done commenting an unnecessarily amount on the unrealistic expectations some authors provide the human race with, let me actually begin with what I set out to do.

For me, Safe Haven was something, which may strike any reader; in this story, Nicholas Sparks sort of weaves away from his usual ideas and builds in something else which reality drops upon many males and females. Physical abuse.

I have read a fair share of Sparks books, and I’m reaching a time where I will have nearly read every one - As upon a new release, I immediately direct myself to place where I can purchase it. Fact.

There is always something in a Sparks books which will happily grab your attention, making you eager to continue turning every page, but with this I can tell you, that this story, is a first for him.

The book opens with the main character Katie, whom is fleeing her previous home and is heading towards the local bus station, to purchase a ticket. From there on she is found in Southport, Georgia where it is noted that she has changed her appearance, as well as her identity.

There she comes upon another main character, Alex whom has two children and runs a convenient store in the centre of town. Gradually throughout the story, you notice that Alex has taken to Katie and from there on their friendship builds, as well as their fondness for each other.

However as you get further into the book, you notice that the structure then takes a different turn and you realise soon, Katie is fleeing from her abusive husband and soon the P.O.V turns to Katie’s previous self, so we are aware of what drove Katie away.

It is in then that we land in Kevin’s P.O.V, whom turns out to be Katie’s current husband and he is in fact attempting to search for her, so that he can bring her home, but Katie is unaware of how he is doing.


Throughout the book, I found two plots were combining into one: I was keen to know of exactly how Katie escaped, as well as figuring out Kevin as a person, then at the end we are brought upon Kevin locating Katie and wondering what he may do.

There is anticipation every where and your brain is always left wandering, as well as wanting more and whilst your adrenalin is pumping radically, you find that your heart is also being soothed by the developing relationship between Katie and Alex.

With Spark’s effortless writing, an image is clearly set in your mind, which for me personally, makes the reading experience much more enjoyable and the transition from the beginning chapter, to the end is incredibly smooth, making you almost whimper when a conclusion is made.

The reality of the story is so heart wrenching that I found myself to be urging on Katie at every door, wishing for her release, as well as her freedom and I find it immaculate that in the time you read, Sparks has the capability to make you feel empathy for the character at hand.

Captivating and incredibly moving; I’m certainly hoping Sparks goes down the road of more suspension.

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